This 1-day intensive group QB training camp is for the developing quarterback from 3rd to 12th grade
At this time we do not have any Redzone camps scheduled for 2020.
To make sure you are up to date on any camp additions to the 2020, please fill out your info below and we will be the first to let you know!
Quarterbacks should have prior training and will learn how to run a pro style offense, install efficient mechanics and learn drills that they can continue using to prepare to lead their youth or high school team or impress college scouts. They will work with the nations top quarterback coaches and with Steve himself and gain exposure to opportunities to show off and improve their level of QB play.
Event Details
- Redzone training is over the course of 1 day
- Total number of hours: 5 hours
- Each player will receive training shorts and shirt
- We guarantee small group numbers and a low coach/player ratio
- Grades 3rd-12th welcome to attend
- Payment plan accepted for a small additional fee
- Email: jjohnsen@steveclarksondreammaker.com
- Phone: 1-626-826-7400
Redzone youth quarterback training camp is no ordinary event. Created by Coach Steve Clarkson himself, the objective is to provide a high impact up tempo version of how the quarterback position is played at the next level. Unlike most camps that feature a lot of basic youth quarterback drills, we will focus on the assumption that each client have in most cases received some formal training. This is why we created this unique opportunity to learn the same schematics used at the highest levels of football. In fact many of our trendsetters and tomorrows top QB prospects and current Qb’s for the Nations premier D1 football programs started in the redzone youth quarterback camp. This camp is for all who are willing to put in the work and is a true indicator of a quarterbacks’ ability.
Photos from our Camps