Quarterback Mechanics
Quarterback Throwing Mechanics – How To Improve Strength, Speed & AccuracyGood quarterback throwing mechanics are essential for any QB to be successful.
But unfortunately, most young quarterbacks never quite learn the right methods for improving their throwing performance. That’s because most schools, youth football leagues and community quarterback camps simply don’t have the resources (or expertise) to give their quarterbacks designated training outside of the team’s regular practice routine.
But make no mistake – in order for an aspiring QB to truly reach his full potential, he needs specialized instruction from a knowledgeable quarterback coach who can help him master every aspect of the position – not just throwing, but also legwork, timing, mental conditioning and other factors that contribute directly to his passing ability. This includes utilizing a set of QB drills to improve on each players unique skill set and learning advanced techniques like those needed to perfectly throw on the run, as demonstrated in the video below:
Simply put: if the coaches don’t know the proper quarterback mechanics (or don’t have the time or resources to work individually with their QBs), then the player may never achieve greatness. This is a vital part of any Quarterback Camp that must be included.
Sound familiar?
- You have an aspiring quarterback with huge potential – but something is missing that is preventing him from succeeding on the field.
- You aren’t sure if the player should have his own, individual quarterback workouts, or what those workouts should be.
- You’ve searched online for tips on the best QB drills, but it’s difficult to apply them or the information is lacking.
- You or your QB have your sights set on a professional football career, but a lack of the proper training is holding you back.
- You’re worried that the player may never be found by scouts unless he steps up his game. Or, worse: that improper mechanics could increase the risk of injury and ruin his career before even getting started.
Don’t let these concerns stop you from giving the player the training he needs. A professional quarterback camp can help him:

- Master the proper mechanics
- Learn the most effective quarterback drills
- Get individualized instruction from the best quarterback coaches in the world
- Significantly increase his skill level
- Help his team win more games
- Increase his exposure to college & NFL scouts
Let’s take a closer look at how a QB can benefit from learning the right mechanics, and where to find a training program that will propel his ability.
Why Do Quarterback Mechanics Matter?
How a quarterback moves on the field is a critical component of how well he is able to make plays. From simply handling the ball to ducking, twisting, and maintaining balance, the QB must be able to move his body properly. A failure to do so will result in more sacks, fumbles and an inability to connect with receivers.
Having the right quarterback mechanics can vastly improve his skill level on all fronts. The player must be prepared for every situation and know exactly how to move in each play.
When a play begins, a quarterback must react immediately. If he’s passing, he has only moments to find (and connect with) his target. If he’s handing the ball off, he has even less time to make the play happen.
Having the right timing is crucial. The QB must develop an instinctive-like ability to make fast decisions. He must know when to get rid of the ball, when to hold it and when to release it. Even a modest improvement in timing can result in massive success on the field.
Proper footwork is essential for both timing and overall quarterback mechanics. Every quarterback should devote a significant amount of practice time to mastering the way he moves his feet in every type of play.
Having the right footwork can help a quarterback throw farther and more accurately, move faster, and stay on his feet longer.
Muscle strength is the foundation of all quarterback mechanics. The right drills and workouts can help quarterbacks boost strength throughout their body and enhance their performance tremendously. A good training camp will show a QB the most effective strategies for building muscle in his arms, legs, back and neck.
Learn Quarterback Mechanics At
Steve Clarkson’s Elite QB Camps
Youth and high school quarterbacks who want to take their skills to the next level can gain professional, QB-focused instruction at one of Steve Clarkson Dreammaker’s elite quarterback camps.
Named by ESPN as “the most powerful quarterback coach in football,” Steve Clarkson gives aspiring QBs the opportunity to learn from the pros, fine-tuning their quarterback mechanics through intense training and drills. The Steve Clarkson Dreammaker training programs provide rigorous on-the-field instruction, as well as mentorship on how to act professionally off the field and set the right expectations for recruitment.
Our programs consistently receive exposure by prominent media outlets, like HBO Sports and Sports Illustrated, putting many of our participants in the national spotlight.
Steve Clarkson and his elite team of coaches provide an unparalleled level of training, helping players to significantly improve their ability. Our attendees range from the nation’s most highly touted prospects to the best undiscovered talent in the country, as well as players who simply want to help their teams win back home.
Contact us to learn more about Steve Clarkson Dreammaker and find out where you can attend one of our elite quarterback camps.