The reality of the Quarterback’s world is that you are not going to get a clean, static pocket to throw from on every play. You have to remain a passer to make the defense pay when they rush defenders.
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QB Drills
Having a QB Training regimen is crucial for the development of proper mechanics and good decision making.In this installment of #QBQuickTips, Steve puts a drill to the test. This drill helps test and to improve a quarterback’s drop after the initial snap. A quarterback needs to be able to effectively drop back for numerous reasons. One…
Read OnAnyone who plays quarterback or watches the game of football knows that a great quarterback has mastered the technique of throwing a football. For many quarterbacks or those that just enjoy throwing a football were taught early in life the…
Read OnWhen Pressure is coming, you’ll want to keep your eyes downfield and find the open man for a big play, or get the ball out safely. Use these qb tips to learn how to handle a collapsing pocket the Steve…
Read OnIn this Episode of Steve Clarkson’s #QBQuickTips, Steve is going over “The Brady Drill.” Steve utilizes this drill in order to teach quarterbacks two lessons. The first lesson is to be able to move around the pocket. The second lesson…
Read OnPushing back to the side while keeping your eyes downfield will help you to dodge a attacker coming right up the middle. This is an alternative to hitching up when there is pocket pressure. It’s important to get your footwork…
Read OnSteve implements a drill that tests a quarterback’s ability to quickly identify their target. In the game of football, fractions of a second can make a huge difference. By practicing drills like this one, a young QB can tremendously sharpen…
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